Monday, June 23, 2008

the miracle of 19.


We have seen that God made everything dependent on numbers. This has led us to examine the numbers all through the Quran and we have come up with some interesting results related to the miracle of 19.

There are 30 whole numbers in the Quran. The total of these 30 whole numbers is the multiple of 19. (The numbers marked with an asterisk are used only once)

Total = 162146= (19×8534)

It is mentioned in the sura “The Cave” that the youths stayed in a cave for 300 years and 9 years were added to this number. In addition, the number 950 which is related to the Prophet Noah is not given as 950 but in a form to be subtracted from, i.e. 1000 minus 50. Using the numbers in this way, the total of numbers used in the Quran becomes multiple of 19. This is a special feature of the Quran. The numbers 1000 and 9 are repeated many times in the Quran. If the numbers 309 and 950 had been directly mentioned, the total of the numbers in the Quran would not have been the multiple of 19.

Muslims have always been curious about why God did not say 950 and 309 directly and said instead 1000 minus 50 and 300 plus 9. Thus, it is clear now, why God said in this way has been understood. Besides the speciality of 19 forming miracles, this is a proof that it is a special way of answering the questions and solving the problems.

Except for these 30 whole numbers, there are 8 fractional numbers in the Quran. The total of all the numbers is 30+8=38 (19x2). These fractions can be seen in the Quran as follow: 1/20, 1/8, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3

We would like to mention Milan Sulc’s discovery here. 30 is the 19th composite number. If we count the numbers which can be divided into their factors 30 is the 19th composite number (4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,30) Thus, the number 30, which is the whole numbers in the Quran, is again related to 19. 8, which is the fractional numbers in the Quran, is also the number which displays the place of 19 among the prime numbers. (2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19) The total of all the numbers in the Quran is 38(19×2). This is meaningful, because the numbers 30 and 8 which form 38 are related to 19 also. We will witness the relation between 19 and the numbers 30 and 8 in the coming chapters. We can say that the numbers which are not multiples of 19 in the Quran are still related to 19. For example, the number 30, which is 19th composite number, and 8 which is the place of 19 in the line of prime numbers.

The total number of the whole and numbers in the Quran 38 (19x2)
The total of the numbers in the Quran without repetition 162146 (19x8534)
The total number of the numbers in the Quran 285 (19x15)
The total of the numbers in the Quran with repetition 174591 (19x9189)

Prophet Muhammad was one of the busiest characters in the history. Eventhough it is very hard to persuade a society to give up smoking, such an easy habit when compared to social changes, Prophet Muhammed destroyed and changed all the religious and social systems of his society. To reform his society was not his only duty. While doing so, he was either signing agreements or was fighting with people trying to kill him at the same time or he was in exodus. During that time he was also explaining the verses of the Quran being revealed piecemeal to the people. It is really childish to say that a mathematician, having at his disposal a lot of spare time, formed the system of 19 in the Quran some thing beyond the ability and power of a human being. This miracle can neither be explained by coincidences nor with a work of a human being.

Which book in the world has contained such a miracle?

23- If you are in doubt of what we have revealed to our Servant, and then bring a sura like this, and call any witness, apart from God, you like if you are truthful.
24- But if you cannot, as indeed you cannot, then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel is men and rocks which has been prepared for the disbelievers.
2. The Cow, 23- 24

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